Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Well, we made the impossible happen and as of 7:15pm today (July 22) Ridge and I are both in Japan!  After two weeks of hard work, relentless nagging, constant prayers and many tender mercies we have accomplished what everyone told us was unfeasible; instead of me getting to Japan five weeks after Ridge I made it in just under five hours!  This is such a blessing.  Our past seven weeks have been pretty awesome; like Suzi (Ridge's mom) said, we definitely have had rainbows over our heads.  We’re ready to start our real lives though.

To catch everyone up, since we saw you at the wedding and open houses we have:
Partied in Park City

Driven all of our stuff to California
Spent days upon days upon days shopping to furnish and stock a house that doesn’t exist.
Shipped everything we own to Japan (pray for fair seas!)
Broken a toe.
Returned to Utah to attend Andrew and Deina’s wedding and to spend time with family.

Improved our tans on the Mayan Riviera in Mexico and seen Chizinizza

Returned to Utah again for one last goodbye.

Drank many a milkshake.

Eaten many a Sprinkles cupcake.
Run the Claremont Fourth of July 5k

Spent lots of time playing, surfing and tanning at the beach with our families.
Gone to 5 baseball games: 2 Dodgers, 2 Angels and 1 Padres (we couldn’t tip the scale)
Run into and hung out with lots of old friends
And caught a foul ball!

We love you all and can’t wait to see everyone again!  I’m not sure when our next trip the US is going to be but we’re going to make sure we have plenty of room for visitors out here ;)

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